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Writer's pictureTodd Render

Which way are you going to take?

Photo by Lachlan Donald on

OK, so I was geeking out.

Looking back on the myriad choices I’ve made, and the wonder of God speaking during all those, you quickly come to the realization that every crossroad is the opportunity either to go with God or away from Him. (Sometimes I paid attention, sometimes I never even considered what God was laying out.)

Hearing God, whether in the infinite majesty of His created cosmos or in the intensely personal space of our consciousness, is revelation. Then once you’ve seen or heard, there are only two choices: go with God – which requires repentance, turning from what you would otherwise do; or go away from Him – which is rebellion. James says: “You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder.” (James 2:19 NAS) That’s the rebellion part, having seen the Almighty and rejecting Him.

So here’s where geeking out comes in. I started to draw a diagram:

If we go with God, as James goes on to say, we get to experience His righteousness as we allow Him to act in us and through us. Fill out the diagram, and we see the cycle.

Each time we confess and repent, God is faithful and just to forgive us AND to purify us from unrighteousness (1 John 1:8-9). Soli Deo Gloria

In your choices today, which way will you choose?

Vaya con Dios, amigos.


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